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The Cropcorp Trial

by Todd Carpenter

Excerpted of from the testimony of the VP in charge of business development

The prosecuting attorney walked several steps towards the jury box, then paused before turning to address the witness. "Do you know who this is?" she asked, looking at the witness but pointing towards a television monitor. The screen was playing live video of what appeared to be a prison yard. Men dressed in orange jumpsuits occasionally passed through the feed, and someone with the appearance of a guard was visible near the right edge of the image. In the center of the frame, in the middle of the courtyard, stood a tree. The tree was of an indistinct species and had what looked like a stringy white beard hanging from its lower branches.

"Who? That man in orange that just walked past the guard?" Asked the witness.

"No, of course not. I am referring to the tree, the tree with the beard."

"It is not a beard. But yes, I know that organism."

"Can you please tell us who it is?"

"That is one of the interstellar trees that recently came to visit our planet."

"Visit is a strange word, but we will return to that later. For now, tell us how you became familiar with this particular individual?"

"That tree approached our company as a representative of his species. They had a proposal involving what would have been a new business opportunity for our company. New business development is my department, so I became the principle contact."

"And what was this so-called new business opportunity they presented?"

"The trees were attempting to colonize the planet, but had run into difficulties. These were difficulties that Cropcorp was well positioned to help them with."

"To help them! Can you explain why your company would assist invading aliens with their efforts to take over the planet?"

"At the time we did not consider them invaders. We believed that their actions would be beneficial the earth: the arrangement we were putting together was intended to be good for both their species and ours. They came to earth because they needed CO2 and had detected that CO2 levels in our atmosphere are rising. If we let them use some of this CO2, it would decrease the amount in the atmosphere, helping to combat climate change. They wanted something we are trying to get rid of. They are trees after all, only trees, and who would think that more trees could be bad for the planet?"

"Don't you think that you yourself should have? At the time of your deal, it was already generally understood that the intentions of the invading trees was to eventually destroy all humans. They considered us a danger to their ideals of ecological stability, and felt they could coexist more securely with just the other animal species of the earth. Were you not aware of the well publicized conflicts that were going on at that time, events popularly referred to as the chainsaw campaign? Weren't you cognizant that as you were signing contracts with the invading trees, the rest of humanity was rising up to save ourselves from destruction?"

"To us the trees didn't seem like a serious threat. What risk could they pose if they couldn't even step aside from a swinging ax?"

"You do not think their spaceships might compensate for this limited mobility?"

"Our company did not get to where we are by being naive. We had more information at our disposal than what was available to the general public. Based on our own analysis, the trees did not pose a serious threat. What should Cropcorp have to fear from mere trees?"

"Indeed, perhaps you had nothing to fear. Which brings me to ask, what do you have to say about the allegations that your company was developing a herbicide to combat the invaders, and that temporarily assisting the trees was merely a means of increasing the marketability of your new product?"

"I regret that I cannot answer questions regarding products that are still in development. To do so would endanger the intellectual property of my company."

"But you acknowledge that you were aware that they wished to take over the planet?"

Not at fist. In the beginning they deceived us as well. They even cheated on our contract."

"How is that?"

"As part of the deal, they were to provide us with technology that would enable us to develop crops exhibiting some of the intelligence they themselves displayed. This would have made it possible for our crops to be more proactive in defending themselves from adverse environmental conditions. It promised to be a great benefit to humanity, cutting agricultural expenses and decreasing world hunger."

"I should question your implication that your company is motivated by a desire to feed the hungry. Instead, tell me, did you receive this technology?"

"Yes, but the converted crops turned out to be aggressive. They resisted harvesting. They were opposed to being eaten."

"They also sided with the invaders, isn't that correct?"


"Can you tell the jury what it was you offered the trees in exchange for this so-called technological improvement to our food crops?"

"Soon after arriving, the invaders had begun having trouble with members of the hemiptera order: aphids, whiteflies, and such. In this respect the invaders' natural defenses were inferior to those of our native plants. That thing you called a white beard on the individual in the video is actually a whitefly infestation. The trees were were succumbing to insects, and came to us for help in developing resistance."

"And you provided help?"

"Yes, but we stopped development as soon as we determined that they were not honoring their portion of the contract."

"But, for a time, your company did provide assistance to the invading trees?"


"Thank you. I have no more questions."

"May I ask, what will happen to the tree? It is my understanding that all of the others have already died, and this, the last of its kind, appears quite sick."

"No one will be able to answer that question until the sentencing phase is over. But if I were to guess, based on the quality of the individual's grain, I would say toothpicks."

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Copyright Todd Carpenter. All rights reserved.